General terms

These are our general terms and conditions, which are important to read.

Section I. Basic

1. These general terms and conditions define the relationship between and the users of its services.

2. Everyone who buys a service from the company undertakes to accept these general conditions. They are not subject to comment and should be strictly observed by both parties.

3., in turn, has the right to supplement and amend these general terms and conditions in case of need. The company is obliged to notify the users of its services in the event of significant changes in them.

Section II. Types of services

1. offers various services, each of which is related to the development and maintenance of an existing Instagram account. All the work the company does is focused on a specific Instagram account for which the customer has paid for a service.

2. The different types of services can be found on the company's website. There is also more information about each of them, as well as information about their pricing.

Section III. Service order and payment

1. Anyone can order a service from , using the order button on the company's website.

2. will receive the requested order and undertakes to send a response within 3 working days.

2. Payments are made in advance, even before the start of work by the company. If the amount is too large, it is possible to make an exception by paying 50% of the price in advance, and the remaining 50% will be paid within 7 calendar days after the start of the work process.

2. If the company does not receive the remaining half of the price within the specified period, it has the right to terminate the user's service without being obliged to return the amount already paid, as during this period it will have already done some work on his Instagram account.

Section IV. Payment received and start of work

1. After the company receives the payment, it is obliged to contact the user of the service again within 3 working days, informing him about the steps to start the work process.

2. The user of the service is obliged to assist the company at this time. If he refuses to cooperate, the company has the right to terminate the user's service without being obliged to return the amount already paid.

Section V. Relationships during the work process

1. In case of no need, the user of the service is obliged to assist the company during the work process itself. If he refuses to cooperate, the company has the right to terminate the user's service without being obliged to return the amount already paid.

2. The user of the service has no right to change his user data, such as username, password, e-mail address and the like, during the work process itself. Exceptions are made only when it was really necessary. In case of such a change, the user is obliged to notify the company immediately.

2. The user of the service has no right to interfere with the work of the company by performing actions on his Instagram account for which he has not previously consulted with the company, whether he has the right to perform them or not. In case of violation, the company has the right to terminate the service of the user without being obliged to return the amount already paid.

2. The company is obliged to send detailed reports to the user of the service regarding the work done so far. These reports are sent for a certain period of time, the deadline is individual and everyone must understand with the company how often he wants to receive such reports.

Section VI. Completion of the workflow

1. Once the workflow is 100% complete, the company is obliged to send a detailed final report to the user of the service, as well as to inform him briefly about what has been done on his Instagram account and what the final result is.

2. The user of the service no longer ceases to be a user and accordingly has the right to change his user data in case of concern about their security. For example, you can change your account password to keep it safe and secure.

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